Thursday, May 27, 2010

Definitely Not Overrated

A lot of things in this world are over-hyped, overblown and overrated. Everything from the latest America Idol to whoever is gracing the cover of the supermarket slick mags, we're surrounded by the overrated. But when it comes to Virginia, it's definitely not overrated.

According to a study by, Virginia ranks five for Best States to Live. The only states ahead of it are either square fly-over states (Wyoming) or too cold for most of us (Minnesota, New Hampshire and Vermont).

Although I'm a transplant from what should be the number one state -- New York -- I have to admit that I've grown to appreciate Virginia for all that it has to offer, and for all that we should care about.

Virginia has one of America's great rivers in the Potomac, and some not too shabby river cousins in the James, Rappahannock and Shenandoah. Not too bad at all.

Virginia has some of the best national parks in the U.S. While almost by definition a national park is spectacular, Virginia has its fair share of great NPs, starting with the Shenandoah, home to mountains, waterfalls, lakes and more than 100 miles of the iconic Appalachian Trail.

Virginia has some of the best state colleges and universities in the U.S, and with them, several of the truly gorgeous green campuses. Ranked #5 by Forbes, the University of Virginia is one of Thomas Jefferson's greatest legacies. But by no means is UVA the only jewel in Virginia's state university crown. Virginia Tech, William and Mary and a number of other public universities rank high on the total value lists published by the major college ranking bodies.

Higher education, national parks, river systems, all of these things pale against the overall historical value of Virginia. Home to America's first permanent European settlement, Virginia can properly be called the genesis of America. Although its history is marred by slavery and some would claim amnesia or plain insensitivity when it comes to that horrible American past, Massachusetts and the Pilgrims just can't hold a candle to Virginia.

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