If we stop to think just for a moment about all of the "Dedicated" days that we have either on the calendar, or that are running around unofficially, we'd see that Americans care about a lot of things, or some group wants us to care about its thing.
Huh? I'm talking about all the special days that we have. Not Mother's Day, Father's Day, Memorial Day and today -- Veteran's Day -- and a slew of other really important days upon which to reflect.
No, I'm talking about the rag-tag collection of days that "Cause X" wants us to reflect upon and that most of us just ignore if we even know that it exists.
One of those days is coming up on November 15: National Recycling Day. I heard about NRD through Earth911.com, a website that every card-carrying Green should take a look at every now and then.
But should we really care about National Recycling Day? Or should we treat it like it was... Oh, I don't know, maybe as important as National Kindergarten Day on April 21? I think kindergarten is a great thing. All that we really need to know to get through life and live it fully we learn in kindergarten. But do we need a day to remind us of that? Maybe.
But the days are not really around to remind us of anything. Truly important "days" are there to focus us. These "days" exist to force us to pause for a moment and realize what is really important: mothers, fathers, sacrifices by our servicemen and women.
So where would I put National Recycling Day? I'd put it on my list of important days, Class B. Just below the really important days because recycling, living green or in sync with our environment, appreciating and pausing for a moment to remember that the Earth we have is the only one that we're going to get is a good thing.
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